Who is the author?

Hello, my name is Vivek Kumar Verma. I am a disciplined self-taught Front End Developer located in India. Through web design and development I free my ever so eager creative mind. When dealing with a project I pay attention to the smallest details and strive for excellence in my work.
Web Design
Livet is a Bootstrap based HTML5 website design made by me. It was designed to favour a web developers community as well as web freelancers aiming to create their websites designs.

Live Preview
Curious to see what LIVET Website look and feel? Here is a live demo with all the features and animations.
Made With
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap 4
- JQuery
Case Study
LIVET is fully my creation, including the design and all the functionality. Read the story of how it was designed by me.
Let's Keep in Touch
Whether you have a web design related question or you are just wishing to say "Hi", feel free to contact me!