very good
I'm up to building fully responsive websites and web applications using plain HTML without relying on a framework.

very good
CSS is my favourite tool in Web Development. I enjoy using it to beautify my projects and play with it creating CSS illustrations.

fairly good
I have a solid knowledge of JS basics and improving my skills by refactoring some old and building new projects.

I can manipulate DOM with jQuery along with adding some animations and other functionality to a page or an app.

Fully responsive website with some sliders, modal windows and a custom grid are not a problem for me to build.

fairly good
I know the fundamentals of this framework. I've used it in a small personal project and got to know its structure and features.

All my latest projects are supported by Git. I use it to publish, maintain my work and for teaming up with other devs.

fairly good
Have been using it on some occasions to post process images and know my way around it and its tools.

React JS
I've have using framework latestly to make my projects good.. I can do a lot of cool things in React JS.

fairly good
Capable of making simple icons and illustrations for my projects and delight in experimenting.
...How it all started
My coding journey started in summer 2017.I've had an active interest in the web and modern technology. Being fascinated with its continuous fast progress I set myself for a challenge to become a Web Developer.
I love creating something out of nothing by mixing up my knowledge, skills and imagination.In fact, I call it now my "full-time" addiction.
People who know me say I am a thorough person with an eye for details. I dislike sloppiness in real life and bring the same rules to coding.
...A few words about
I enjoy the process of building the web products from scratch. Solving problems and finding the best solutions is a creative process which often pushes us leaving our comfort zone and this is when we are growing, aren't we?
I chose Front End Development because it allows me to work closely with design. It's amazing to be able to take a design and turn it into a functional product for people to use and enjoy.
All my projects are fully responsive. Turning my work into a good user experience on mobile devices is my priority and I take a great care of it.
...Life beyond coding
I'mstudent and pursuing my Btech from Harcourt Butler Technical University ,Kanpur ,Uttar Pradesh ,India.
Since 2017 , I have been regularly learning the latest technologies and applying in my latest projects. I love to play mobile games ,Football ,Basketball and to code.
If you have any questions or would like to have a chat about coding, just drop me a line or two.